Incoming_Transmission: GM to all explorers, old and new. Today marks the launch of the month long beta. We have added many prominent NFT communities so that they also can see what we’ve been building. Please join us on this awakening journey across space and time.
See Your Stars
Everyone’s Stars are now shining bright across LVCIDIA. We have updated the smart contract so that now you can find your Star’s XYZ coordinates in the traits section on OpenSea. Press the ‘c’ key to toggle the coordinate view and use the WASD keys to navigate across space to your star. Press or hold the shift key to travel to your Star faster.

The Hub – Dashboard
The new Dashboard in The Hub shows social media and smart contract stats across the 4 main LVCIDIA collections include Avatars, Crystals, Stars and Deeds. There is also a leaderboard showing the top collectors and a sneak peak of the quests section for future events that we will hold inside LVCIDIA. Walk or run up to the crystal with the glowing light above it on The Hub and the dashboard will automatically appear once you are close enough.

See You
A new third person view has been added. Press the ‘v’ key to toggle between third person and first person view. You will see yourself as a glowing ball of light.

The purpose of this beta is to show off what we have been built thus far and listen to our community on how to make it even better. There are many new features and improvements in the pipeline but we welcome direct feedback from our community. Please tell us about your experience in the dedicated Discord channel: lv-bugs-and-feedback.
The beta will launch on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 3PM EST and we will be hosting a Twitter Spaces 30 mins before here: