The Deed NFT: A Complete Guide

Ever since the launch of Staking Era 2 on August 11th, we’ve received many questions from our community. Questions like: If I’m not crafting stars, what am I meant to be doing? What is a Deed? What’s the rush on contributing resources? And, perhaps most notably: Why should I participate? In the article below, we attempt to answer all these questions and more. Step into a new world, and join us on a journey into intergalactic ownership. 

A Planet of Your Own 

The Second Era of Staking is centered around a single idea: contribute essential resources to earn an ownership stake in a Community Crafted Planet. Without the participation of our collectors, we can’t bring the planet to life. Your contributions will be tracked, and reflected in your claimable Deed NFT available at the end of the Era. 

As was the case in Era 1, collectors have the opportunity to stake their Lvcidia NFTs (Fvck_Crystals and Fvck_Avatars) to earn resources such as Gold, Silver, or Obsidian. The resources have stayed consistent between the 2 Eras, though the method of earning them has evolved. Where Staking Era 1 only had a single Staking Field for your NFTs, Staking Era 2 has a variety of staking fields with different properties.

The type and quantity of resources you earn will vary greatly depending on which field you choose to stake each individual NFT. Era 2 also incorporates Time Locks, meaning that you have to choose how long you’d like to stake your NFT for (shorter periods have higher yield, because they require more consistent engagement). 

While much of our community is familiar with Stars after Staking Era 1, Planets are their own separate entity with a deeper history. The origins of Lvcidia go back to February 11th, 2021, when Fvckrender launched his now historic NiftyGateway drop: FVCKRENDERVERSE//. Included among the featured artworks was a 1/1 Planet, titled FV_290B. The Planet sold at auction for $38k to our legendary supporter @ohhshiny, after a heated bidding war. Another planet—FV_ARIAX9//— was sold at auction in April 2021 to @bitcoinprophet1 (for $182k).

Both of these planets served as touchstones for our virtual environment in Unreal Engine, with thousands of explorers wandering their vast landscapes. 

The Community Planet being crafted during Staking Era 2 will be the third within Lvcidia’s ecosystem. It has been over 2 years since the last opportunity to own a planet, and this is the first time it’s been made accessible to collectors of all sizes. We cannot stress enough how important this moment is to the overall development of Lvcidia. Planets are the foundation of what we’re building, and to have a say in how they operate: you’ll need a Deed. 

Overview: The Deed

The Deed is a dynamic NFT that represents your ownership over the Community Planet. Every collector who makes a resource contribution of at least 0.001% during the Second Era is guaranteed a customized Deed of Ownership, granting them voting power for all planet-related decisions.

The visual appearance of each individual Deed is determined by the quantity and type of resources the collector contributes. 

All resource contributions made by a collector will be stored permanently in the metadata of the Deed NFT. The quantity of your contributions is added together to form your ownership percentage, displayed at the bottom of the Deed. So by continually contributing resources throughout the Era, a collector’s ownership percentage will gradually increase. And as your stake in the planet grows larger, the appearance of your Deed will evolve. 

Deed NFTs are divided into 5 distinct tiers of quality, depending on the amount of planetary ownership they contain: 

  • 0.001% to 0.009%: Black Deed.
  • 0.01% to 0.049%: Marble Deed.
  • 0.05% to 0.199%: Chrome Deed.
  • 0.2% to 0.999%: Jade Deed.
  • 1% or more: Gold Deed.


The types of resources contributed by a collector will be showcased prominently on their Deed, in both the visual and the trait data. For the 9 existing resources in the Lvcidia ecosystem, there are 9 connected spaces at the top of the Deed. If a resource was contributed by the collector toward the development of the Planet, then it will appear on their Deed. A maximized Deed will have resources of all types on display. Conversely, a collector who only contributes a single type of resource will receive a Deed with many empty spaces (note: this does not change the Deed’s utility). 

Merge and Divide 

While each Deed’s appearance is initially set by the owner’s contributions during the Second Era of Staking, a Deed’s quality can also be altered post-mint. MERGE allows Deed holders to purchase additional Deeds on the secondary market, and losslessly merge them with their original. This process carries the potential of bringing your Deed into a higher tier. 

For example: By merging a 0.04% ownership Deed with another holding 0.01% ownership, a Deed with 0.05% ownership is formed. In this case, the merge would also upgrade the Deed’s tier from Marble to Chrome.

The combined Deed pools the resources from both inputs, allowing owners to display resources they didn’t initially contribute during crafting. 

With the inclusion of MERGE, we thought it would be essential to have the ability to DIVIDE. A larger owner of the Planet may choose, at any time, to split their Deed into smaller fragments. This would allow them to sell off some of their ownership stake, without completely losing the ability to participate in voting matters pertaining to the planet’s future. Though keep in mind, with both MERGE and DIVIDE you may potentially change the appearance and quality of your Deed. 

Utility: Decide the Planet’s Fate 

Our community has wondered how the Deed will factor into the Lvcidia ecosystem, and what benefits it may provide. The primary goal is to give Deed holders full power over what comes of the Community Planet. The more powerful your Deed, the more powerful your vote. The utility of the Deed, therefore, extends far beyond the Planet’s creation. 

What will the Planet be named? What art/artists will be showcased on it? Where will it exist in the Lvcidia universe? What will the terrain look like? Will it be token-gated, or open to all? What will the revenue the Planet generates be used for? There are infinite possibilities for what the Deed may bring to reality in the future. Once the Lvcidia Unreal Engine Experience comes back online, and the Planet takes shape, Deed owners will embark on this journey together.

Time is Running Out 

That all brings us to the final point, and among the most important. Once the Planet is complete, contributions will be locked. Shortly after, those who participated will be able to claim their Deeds. Anyone who holds onto their resources, and does not contribute them to the Planet in time, will miss out on the chance of claiming a Deed. 

Many collectors are stockpiling their resources, as making each contribution costs a small gas fee. Furthermore, many believe there is no apparent rush to contribute. We understand this perspective, but we encourage collectors to make regular contributions if possible. There will likely come a day where many collectors make large contributions, rapidly completing the development of the Community Planet. 

As it stands, the planet is only 24.847% crafted. This surprised many of our collectors, considering in only the first three days of Staking Era 2, the planet was already at 14.329% (with help from leftover resources of the First Era). However, from our internal research, we have found that there are enough resources currently harvested to bring the planet to ~87% crafted. That number continues to rise every day. To secure your place in our history, contribute before it’s too late. Once it reaches 100%: you may never have the opportunity to own a piece of a planet again.

At the end of the Staking Era, the top 10 planetary contributors—those who hold the most powerful Deeds—will receive an additional reward. Here are the current top 10 of our leaderboard: 

Deed Leaderboard
Ryan's Handmade Fvck Avatar
Ryan McCue

Ryan is an LA-based writer and filmmaker. He began as a Lvcidia community member in early 2021, drawn to the cinematic beauty of Fvckrender’s virtual creations. His engagement with the community led to him becoming a moderator for the Discord, and in 2022 he was brought on officially to create Lvcidia’s newsletter. He now assists in writing articles for the Lvcidia journal, conducting interviews, and moderating the occasional live Q&A.



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